Sunday, May 18, 2008

24 Hours of Conyers

Not sure what it is – but sometimes after a significant event, regardless of the outcome – I get bummed. I raced with Faster Mustache this weekend at 24 Hours of Conyers. We did well with first place in our cat and overall. A great event, amazing riding, solid and fun teammates…. but now it’s all over and I’m finally home and bored. None of my friends or family who mentioned that they would come show some love actually came – or called – or texted even. This was the first semi-local race (only ~25 minutes from ATL) so I hoped to see some familiar faces. Don’t get me wrong. We had amazing support with team management by Roger and several great friends came and spent time with us. Just no one that had personally told me they were going to come… And I lost my favorite t-shirt. This sunken feeling will fade after my body allows a real/hot meal and some sleep.

The race report….. the longer the event - the shorter the report. or maybe i'm just tired.

We raced hard for 24 Hours and had a rider on course at all times – we met both of our goals. I was able to pull 2 day laps, 3 night laps and then a morning lap with times I’m happy with (42,42,44,47,48,44 min). I always wondered how long it would take me to ride a full loop at Conyers if I actually bothered to time myself. Now I know… My first two night laps were met with sliding off of trail and crashing into large trees. I have trail/tree rash on my face and arms. There were tons of shenanigans including actual mustaches, capes, shirtless speedo/underwear laps, and team FM calisthenics at midnight. The team was solid and everyone really stepped up. I was inspired and made good friends this weekend. Part of me wishes I was still out there struggling.


Faster Mustache

**edit - these links seem to have changed...

I'll link up some photos when they're shared. There should be some funny ones.

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