Monday, January 14, 2008

happy friday.

I was minding my own business at lunch a couple days ago when I got a text message from a friend that I haven't seen more than once in almost a year. “omg your blog is so boring!” I would assume this was just a quick pick-me-up from an old friend to help usher in a great weekend, but something tells me it was likely just the opposite. I never claimed to be interesting and I’m positive that the vast majority of people could care less about bikes. I can only imagine what torture reading about the combination might be. So, I’m not arguing the point, I’m just providing disclaimer… This is where I may be keeping some ride and race reports. I’ve enjoyed some other rider blogs for some time now so I guess I am the target audience – chances are – you aren’t.

These lucky bastards are the real thing – you probably wouldn’t like their blogs either:

1 comment:

kat said...

I have a picture of Namrita O'Dea and myself riding one after the other at the Dirty Spokes race last year. I have a feeling she did a few more laps than I did though...